I am a fully qualified Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) acupuncturist and naturopath practicing in Carshalton, Surrey and treating a wide range of conditions. I have a passion for learning, and have completed ongoing CPD, of particular focus is Women’s health and fertility. I will be incorporating nutritional therapy into my practice in 2025.
I am committed to helping every patient to improve, support and heal their emotional and physical wellbeing using acupuncture, naturopathy and nutrition.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an ancient Chinese medicine philosophy. It is a diagnostic approach looking for patterns of imbalance in your body which can then be harmonised using acupuncture and other techniques such as cupping and gua sha where appropriate.
As a qualified naturopath, I support patients with complimentary advice in lifestyle and diet if this is relevant to their treatment with me. I have a strong interest in Bach flower remedies and the effect these can have on harmonising and supporting emotions and provide these as an adjunct treatment.